Fungarborg Rikka (The Kingdom of Fungarborg)

Ol Damarrowan - The Royal Family
Gestarnoor - The Guestbook
Varuhüs (Government)
Mägnaro ok Ozoboro
Histori ol Wokåd - A History of the People
Fungarram Tunga (The Language)
Tunga lavo sanot! Talk to us

Welcome to the Official Website of the Fungadam Empire.  This site is sanctioned by the Roynar of the Birodallan.  Please note that some of the following pages are in our language, Fungarr.
Azuas ra ol hatossig Vegvés ol Fungadam Birodallanåd.  Denna veg uft megtorlafk he ol Roynar Fungadannon.  Némi alabbig é lappos uft Fungarrani.


Ol Forenndon Upkaho omment si "Ol Fungadam Birodallan"  egensgafal lil uffen funderrigon en manregentig Wolk!  He denni, ol upka bytaf er' rykte ur se "Fungarborg."  Dännar rykte infinnefur de Karto, ok dol Historinooro gotti ol Vard!
The United Nations has decided that the Fungadam Empire has qualified for being considered a semi-sovereign nation!  With this, the state will change its name to ''Fungaborg''.  This name will appear on maps and in history books all over the World!

Play National Anthem

Ol Orzgössig Sång é Fungaydos
The Fungayado National Anthem
This anthem is almost identical to the Norwegian national anthem.  It can be sung to the same melody.

Shea, sano karlef soon bögdu

o stiget qu hefåd,

käntig, vitra uver ol hav

h en tuzen hemo såd.

So soon faross kämpo rest u,

Qu grämsåd segom,

Cue sano naran vakkafk

Brafur äd slag fríd’

Cue sano naran vakkafk

Brafur äd slag fríd’ er.




Yes, we love our country

Which rises from the snow

Rugged and weathered, over the sea

With its thousand homes.

As our fathers’ struggles raised it

From anguish to victory,

We too when called upon

Will strike a blow for its liberty.

--In relation to the new sovereignity of Fungaborg, the Fungayado Wolkarbank has issued the new Fungaborg Currency.  The basic unit, equivalent to the Euro (or Swedish Krona) is the Bräp.  It is divided into 100 "deleho" (sg. dele).  Currency is:
En Dele
Trem Deleho
Kyba Deleho
Tremcakk Deleho
Ötven Deleho
En Bräp
Trem Bräpo
Kyba Bräpo
Tremcakk Bräpo
Ötven Bräpo
En Korbräp (100 Bräpo)


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2004 Fungadam Végpalnerron.  Allt Högero uff sluten.