Fungarborg Rikka (The Kingdom of Fungarborg)

Tunga lavo sanot! Talk to us

Ol Damarrowan - The Royal Family
Gestarnoor - The Guestbook
Varuhüs (Government)
Mägnaro ok Ozoboro
Histori ol Wokåd - A History of the People
Fungarram Tunga (The Language)
Tunga lavo sanot! Talk to us

Want to contact the Fungayado government?  Have a question or comment?
Feel free to email us!  Please note that emails to the Roynar will be monitored and may not be answered due to the nature of his responsibilities to the People.  You may delegate the email to someone else on his staff.

Roynar Tormund Årrekson Arstän
Tsogor Zänder Jarlson Fanserrik
Mägnar Obar Norrseg
Mägnar Swen Larsson
Mägnar Obar Gordurson

2004 Fungadam Végpalnerron.  Allt Högero uff sluten.