Stätsforvetting Fungadamon Birodallanåd agenda Grundon Frido Wolkåd ok ol Varuhüs
Constitution of the Fungadam Empire concerning Basic Liberties of the
People and the Government
Settel Angoligani
English Version
Part One
Basic Provisions
Article 1
The Fungadam Empire is a sovereign
and law-governed state. It is linked to the Roynar as the central
Article 2
(1) Provincial power is derived from
citizens, who execute it
through their actions via their Tribunes
and the Wolkarhüs.
(2) Everyone can do what is not forbidden
by law and no one
must be forced to do anything that
is not laid down by law.
Article 3
(1) The territory of the Fungadam
Empire is united and
(2) The borders of the Fungadam Empire
can be changed only by
a constitutional law or by the direct
control of new territory.
Article 4
Natural wealth, underground water,
natural medicinal springs,
and waterways are in the ownership
of the Wolkarhüs and the State.
Article 5
(1) Conditions for the acquisition
and loss of the
citizenship of the Fungadam Empire
are determined by the Mägnaro Rostram (Federal Agents).
(2) No one must be deprived of the citizenship of the Fungadam Empire against his will,
with the exception(s) defined in Article 18.
Article 6
The official language of the Fungadam
Empire is Fungarr.
Article 7
On the basis of the Arstänarhüs and
none other’s decision,
the Fungadam Empire can enter into
a state alliance [vorbünd] with other states. The
right to secession from this alliance
must not be
restricted. The decision on entering into a state alliance
with other states or on secession
from this alliance will be
made by a constitutional law and a
subsequent referendum.
Article 8
The state symbols of the Fungadam
Empire are the state
emblem, the national flag, and the
Article 9
(1) The state emblem of the Fungadam Empire is represented
A White Bear holding a Battle Axe inside a Ring of Five Stars.
(2) The national flag of the Fungadam
Empire consists of
the emblem on a blue field crossed with yellow, red, and white bands.
(4) The national anthem of the Fungadam
Empire is
Slag lil Fridom.
(5) Details concerning the state emblem,
the national flag,
state seal, and the national anthem and their use will be
out in a law.
Article 10
(1) Sundsvall is the capital
of the Fungadam Empire and the seat of the Arstänarhüs.
(2) The status of Sundsvall as the capital of the
Fungadam Empire will be set out in a law.
(3) Stockholm is the seat of the Wolkarhüs.
Rights and Freedoms
Part One
General Provisions
Article 11
(1) People are free and equal in dignity
and their rights.
Basic rights and liberties are inviolable,
secured by law, and unchallengeable.
(2) Basic rights and liberties on
the territory of the Fungadam Empire are guaranteed to everyone regardless of sex, race, color of skin, national or social
origin, affiliation to an ethnic group, property, descent, or another
status. No one must be harmed, preferred,
or discriminated against on these grounds.
(3) EVERYBODY has the right to freely
decide on his
nationality. All influences on this decision and any form of
pressure aimed at assimilation are
(4) No one must be restricted in his
rights because he
upholds his basic rights and liberties.
Article 12
(1) Duties can be imposed only on
the basis of law, within
its limits, and while complying with
basic rights and
(2) Limits to basic rights and liberties
can be set only by
law, under conditions laid down in
this Constitution.
(3) Legal restrictions of constitutional
rights and liberties
must apply equally to all cases that
meet the set conditions.
(4) When restricting constitutional
rights and liberties,
attention must be paid to their essence
and meaning. These
restrictions must not be used for
any other than the set
Part Two
Basic Human Rights and Liberties
Article 13
Everyone is worthy of having rights.
Article 14
(1) If someone was deprived of life
as a result of an action
that does not represent a criminal
act, this does not
constitute a violation of rights according
to this article.
Article 15
(1) The inviolability of the person
and its privacy is
guaranteed. It can be limited only in cases defined by law.
Article 16
(1) Personal freedom is guaranteed.
(2) A person accused or suspected
of a criminal act can be
detained only in cases defined by
law. The detained person
must be immediately informed of the
reasons for the
detainment, interrogated, and either
released or brought
before the Siranhüs within 1 week
at the latest. The Arstänarhüs
must question the detainee within
1 month of taking over the
case and decide on his or her custody
or release.
(3) An accused person may be arrested for any circumstances.
The arrested person must be brought before the court within 1 week. The Arstänarhüs
must question the arrested person
within 1 week of taking
over the case and decide on his or
her custody or release.
(5) A person can be taken into custody
only for reasons and
for a period defined by law and on
the basis of a council
(6) The law will not specify in which
cases a person can be
admitted to, or kept in, institutional
health care without
his or her consent. Such a measure must be reported within
24 hours to the provincial tribune
(Amer), which will then decide on this
placement within five days.
(7) The mental state of a person accused
of criminal activity
can be examined by a certified psychologist.
(See Section. 8)
(8)Certified psychologist must have a
degree in Psychology or Medical Psychology from an accredited institution and be personally certified by a Mägnar Röstram in either Sweden, Finland, or Norway.
Article 17
(1) No one must be subjected to forced
labor or services.
(2) The provision of section 1 does
not apply to
a) work assigned according to the
law to persons serving a
prison term or some other punishment
substituting for a
prison term,
b) military service or some other
service assigned by law in
lieu of compulsory military service,
c) services required on the basis
of the law in the event of
natural catastrophes, accidents, or
other dangers posing a
threat to life, health, or property
of great value,
d) activities laid down by law to
protect life, health, or
the rights of others.
Article 18
(1) EVERYBODY has the right to the
preservation of his human
dignity and personal honor, and the
protection of his good
If any dishonor is presented, on a high council ruling,
the accused will be dishonorably discharged
and relieved of
Article 19
(1) Everyone has the right to own
property. The ownership
right of all owners has the same legal
content and deserves
the same protection. Inheritance of property is guaranteed.
(2) The law will specify which property
other than property
listed in Article 4 that is essential
to meet the needs of
society, the development of the national
economy, and public
interest can be owned only by the
local Tribune. The law can also specify that
certain property can be owned only
by citizens or juridical
persons resident in the Fungadam Empire.
(3) Ownership is binding. It must not be misused to the
detriment of others or at variance
with general interests
protected by law. By exercising ownership, no harm must be
done to human health, nature, cultural
monuments, and the
environment beyond limits set by law.
(4) Expropriation or enforced restriction
of the ownership
right is admissible only to the extent
that it is unavoidable
and in the public interest, on the
basis of law, and in
return for adequate compensation.
Article 20
(1) A person's home is inviolable. It must not be entered
without the resident's consent by
other citizens, but however, may
be entered with appropriate reason
by military or Provincial Authority.
(2) Other infringements upon the inviolability
of one's home
can be permitted by law only if this
is inevitable in a
confederate society in order to protect
people's lives,
health, or property, to protect the
rights and liberties of
others, or to ward off a serious threat
to public order. If
the home is used also for business
or to perform some other
economic activity, such infringements
can be permitted by law
also when this is unavoidable in meeting
the tasks of public
Article 21
(1) Freedom of movement and of abode
are guaranteed.
(2) Everyone who is rightfully staying
on the territory of
the Fungadam Empire has the right
to freely leave this
(3) Freedoms according to sections
1 and 2 can be restricted
by law if it is unavoidable for the
security of the state, to
maintain public order, protect the
health and the rights and
liberties of others, and, in designated
areas, also for
reasons of environmental protection.
(4) Every citizen (with the exception of citizens of nations in a state of war with the
Fungadam Empire) has the right to freely enter
the territory
of the Fungadam Empire. A citizen must not be forced to
leave his homeland and he must not
be deported or extradited.
(5) A foreign national can be deported
only in cases
specified by law.
Article 23
(1) The defense of the Fungadam Empire
is a matter of honor
each citizen.
(2) No one must be forced to perform
military service.
(3) In the case of an impending war, the government reserves the right to impose basic
tactics training
on its citizens and
to issue firearms to those citizens. They are to use them if the necessity arises.
Refusal to use the
training and weapons shall be construed as an act of treason against the State.
Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights
Article 24
(1) Everyone has the right to a free
choice of profession and
to training for it, as well as the
right to engage in
entrepreneurial or other gainful activity.
However, their tax
donation will increase with the size
of their income. Please
see the section on Taxes.
(2) Conditions and restrictions with
regard to the execution
of certain professions or activities
can be specified by law.
(3) Citizens have the right to work. Citizens who will not or
do not exercise this right are not
provided for materially by the state.
(4) A different regulation of rights
listed under sections 1
through 3 can be specified by law
for foreign nationals.
Article 25
(1) Everyone has the right to freely
associate with others in
order to protect his economic and
social interests.
(2) Trade union organizations are
established independently
of the state. It is inadmissible to limit the number of
trade union organizations, in the
same way as it is
inadmissible to give some of them
a preferential status, be
it in an enterprise or a branch of
the economy.
(3) The activity of trade union organizations
and the
founding and operation of other associations
economic and social interests can
be restricted by law if
such a measure is unavoidable in a
democratic society to
protect the security of the state,
public order, or the
rights and liberties of others.
(4) The right to strike is guaranteed. The conditions will
be defined by law. This right does not extend to judges,
prosecutors, members of the armed
forces and armed corps, and
members of the fire brigades, as well
as the Roynar and the Arstänarhüs.
Article 26
(1) Citizens have the right to adequate
material provision in
old age, as well as after losing their
(2) Everyone who is in material need
is entitled to
assistance necessary to ensure basic
living conditions.
(3) Details concerning rights listed
in sections 1 and 2 will
be set out in a law.
Article 27
Everyone has a right to the protection
of his health. Based
on public insurance, citizens have
the right to free health
care and to medical supplies under
conditions defined by law.
Article 28
(1) Marriage, parenthood, and the
family are under the
protection of the law. The special protection of children
and minors is guaranteed.
(2) Special care, protection in labor
relations, and adequate
working conditions are guaranteed
to women during the period
of pregnancy.
(3) Children born in and out of wedlock
enjoy equal rights, but with the exception of
their last name. The child will must take the name of the MOTHER.
(4) Child care and the upbringing
of children are among the
rights of parents; children have the
right to parental care
and upbringing. Parents' rights can be restricted and minors
can be separated from their parents
against their will only
by means of a council ruling based
on the law.
(5) Parents caring for children are
entitled to assistance
from the state.
Article 29
(1) Everyone has the right to education. School attendance
is compulsory. Its period and age limit will be defined by
(2) Citizens have the right to free
education at primary and
secondary schools and, based on their
abilities and society's
resources, also at higher educational
(3) Schools other than state schools
may be established, and
instruction in them provided, only
under conditions defined
by law. Such schools may charge a tuition fee. Such a fee will
be given to the school founder (inmost
cases, the Regional or city Governor or Mayor).
(4) A law will specify under which
conditions citizens who
are engaged in studies are entitled
to assistance from the
Article 30
(1) Freedoms of scientific research
and in art are
guaranteed. The rights to the results of creative
intellectual activity are protected
by law.
(2) The right of access to the cultural
heritage is
guaranteed under conditions defined
by law.
Part One
The Economy of the Fungadam Empire
Article 31
(1) The economy of the Fungadam Empire
is based on the
principles of a socially and ecologically
oriented market
(2) The Fungadam Empire protects and
promotes economic
competition. Details will be set out in a law.
Article 32
The Fungadam Empire establishes a
bank of issue. Two Mägnaro Ådelon will be delegated to control this bank, known
as the Fungadamon Wolkarbank.
(1) Every city’s mayor may receive daily or monthly funds from the city.
(2) Every Mägnar Ådelon, or manager of a province, has a monthly spending. If this exceeds monthly income, and the Mägnar is in debt with the bank, all funds and assets will be frozen
directly within the first 24 hours.
Article 33
The Fungadam Empire is a customs territory.
Article 34
(1) The financial management of the
Fungadam Empire is
administered by its state budget. The state budget is
adopted by the Roynar.
(2) State budget revenues, the rules
of budget economy, and
the relationship between the state
budget and the budgets of
territorial units will be set out
in a law.
(3) Special-purpose funds linked to
the state budget of the
Fungadam Empire are established by law.
Article 35
(1) There exist state and local taxes
and fees.
(2) Taxes and fees may be levied by
law or on the basis of a
Part Two
control of the Fungadam Empire
Article 36
(1) The Fungadam Empire is controlled through the four
divisions of the Executive branch of government, or Slüzån: The Senate, or Arstänarhüs;
the People, or Wolkarhüs; the Roynar, or Supreme executive (King), and the Tribunes, or Amero.
(2) The Eight Provinces of the Fungadam Empire are controlled by the Roynar via the Amero.
(3) All other articles regarding
the system of Government will be defined in a law.
Part Three
The Executive
(1) The Roynar is the Supreme controller of the Fungadam Empire.
(2) The Arstänarhüs is comprised of 300 members, 100 from each nation in the Fungadam Empire (Sweden, Norway, Finland)
a) Makes foreign policy
b) Appropriates funds
c) Judges High-Profile Cases
d) Elects Roynar
(3) The Wolkarhüs consists of a council of 50 members,
directly elected by the people.
a) Declares War
b) Ratifies Appointments and Rulings
c) Final Appeal of Execution or Exile
d) Elects Mägnaro (Magistrates)
e) Elects Amero (Tribunes) of the People
Part Four
The Siranhüs (The Courts)
(1) The Courts will be instituted by the Amero in each region.
They may be convened at a designated courthouse or any other structure which is capable of housing the Siranhüs.
(2) There are two types of a court convenement: a Court of Inquiry, for use in Criminal investigation,
and a Court of Affairs, dealing with appeals, ethics issues, sentencing, and all other matters not dealt with by the investigation
(3) Presiding over the Court of Inquiry will be an Examining Magistrate, or Mägnar Forhörram.
(4) The decision council (jury), or Menndigorr, will consist of 12 members selected at random from ANOTHER
a) All decisions made by a Court of Inquiry must be ratified
by the Wolkarhüs.
Part Five
(1) In each region, there will be two Mägnaro Ådelon, or Managers.
a) Handle Local Finance, contracting, daily regulation of shops/businesses,
minor disputes.
b) Carry special responsibility for Civic Events (festivals, public
banquets, arena sports).
(2) In each region, there will be 1130 Mägnaro Kvestig, or Law Enforcement officials.
a) 10 inspectors (M. Inspektöro)
b) 20 detectives (M. Detektivo)
c) 100 deputies (M. Vikariho)
c) 1,000 at-large uniformed officers (Ämbetsmanno)
(3) In each region, there will be 100 Mägnaro Röstram, or Federal Agents.
a) To become a Mägnar Röstram is quite a process. One must be a citizen of impeccable reputation and the greatest possible integrity; they are generally
known as the most respected and trusted people in the Fungadam Empire.
b) Conducts a Census of all Fungarram citizens
once every five years to determine their citizenship, economic status, social class and eligibility for miltary service and
public office.
c) Has the power to grant citizenship.
d) May raise or lower a citizen’s social
e) May remove public officials (with just cause).
f) Unofficial guardians of culture, Fugarr language,
public morals
g) Oversee Education and laborer’s concerns (In association with
the Mägnaro Arbetskarlon).
(4) In each region, there will be 100 Mägnaro Arbetskarlon, or Workers’ Advocates.
a) Must be a former or current employee in some industrial
b) Works with labour unions to grant laborers’
wishes and help alleviate conflicts.
c) Works with Industrialists to keep jobs open
and benefits good.
d) Provides legal counsel to workers in conflicts
Article 40
This constitution will take effect on December 12th, in the year of our Lord